Matching your garden to your home

Period homes A period – usually Federation – home often goes hand in hand with a more formal garden structure; think clipped box hedging and defined garden beds. It’s a...

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Creating your own Internal Courtyard

Internal courtyards provide a beautiful connection to nature, especially in a highly built up urban setting, where backyards are minimal or non-existent. The primary purpose is usually to introduce light...

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The value of Street Appeal

House numbers provide a crucial finishing touch to the overall look of your home. Visibility is key to keep in mind when buying and installing house numbers.

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The versatility of Garden Pots

As a general rule of thumb, big is best – and will create a cleaner look, helping to avoid that fussy, messy look that you sometimes get with a hodge-podge...

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How to create a Balcony Garden

Before you start shopping, look for lightweight pots – fiberglass rather than solid terracotta – as these will be easier to get into the apartment, for a start, and will...

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Looking after your Succulents

Are succulents a low-maintenance option? The short answer is, yes! With low water requirements and usually no need for pruning, succulents mostly look after themselves. They’re also tough as old...

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Raising the roof – The beauty and benefits of rooftop gardens

Creative Director at Secret Gardens, Matt Cantwell, says clients are beginning to understand the value a well-placed, carefully crafted rooftop garden can offer. “We are definitely seeing them more often,”...

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Creating a Hanging Garden

The concept of a hanging garden has been enthusiastically picked up by plenty of restaurants and commercial spaces, and you only have to see it done well to understand its...

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The calming Nerve Plant (Fittonia spp.)

The nerve plant (Fittonia spp.) is a spreading evergreen perennial with delicately veined, deep-green, ovate leaves. Although the most popular vein color is silvery-white, varieties with veins in red, pink,...

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