Planting up a pot cluster
The choice of plants is firstly driven by the position of your pot cluster. If it’s in a shady position – located inside, under a pergola or on a balcony – you’ll have to select plants appropriate to the conditions and will likely end up with a look that’s deep green and lush. On the other hand, a full sun position suggests succulents, for a fuss-free arrangement that will thrive even when it’s dry.
Look for a variety of plants, with different heights, colours and forms, and consider planting up more than one plant per pot; for example, layering a small tree with a groundcover that will drape enchantingly over the side of the pot. Consider every angle. Pots are generally viewed from more than one angle, so you need to consider from where it will mostly be viewed, as well as how it will look from behind or from the sides.